Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's been a long, long time...

Wow, it really has. Been a long time, that is. So much has happened! Unstead of trying to narrate it all, which would take forever, I'm going to just bullet it, so the blog will be all caught up, and I can move on from here.

1. August
Moved to a new apartment. LOVE IT. Began studying Wicca seriously with the Firefly Academy ( Highly recommend Lady Iris' podcast for the Firefly Academy, which you can find on itunes or switchpod. Oh! And I quit smoking! Woohoo!! Did it cold turkey- highly recommend that method and getting hooked into

2. September
School starts (bleh). Lebowskifest in KY. Decided to start writing my master's thesis about Lebowskifest instead of my previous super-dry project. Discovering more of my independent spirit- no more listening to the FUCKS down at the league office. Woohoo!

3. October
I'm now a quarter of a century old. Going through crazy stress at school trying to get a new advisor for my thesis and TAing 300 people all by myself. Yikes!

4. November
Went home for Thanksgiving, still in a push and pull with a certain professor in my department who is giving me the run around about my thesis. Frustration looms!

5. December
I discover there is going to be one last Lebowskifest for the year in NYC. Make plans to travel and end up going with my Dad. We have a superfun weekend, even if the fest wasn't as much fun as Kentucky. We went to see a Broadway show, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, all the sights. It was an absolutely wonderful time. I get one step closer to conquering my deep fear of urban spaces. I finish up my TA assignment, thank god, and decide to let go of trying to deal with this awful professor who will/won't be my advisor depending on his mood. I get an independent study with the professor I TA'd for, and things begin to look up. On the down side, a dear friend passed away just before Yule. He was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Dust to dust.

6. January
Well, I guess you're all caught up now. New quarter at school, new TA assignment. I actually get to teach this time, which I love! I realize that even if I do quit after my master's degree, which I have really been considering, that I'm not just back into the chaos of my twenties in which I'm still "finding myself." I know that no matter what, I have to be a teacher in some capacity. This gives me a great deal more hope. Teaching is a way to give back, to help, to make better. When I get done after that hour in front of my class (I teach two groups, each once a week), I feel so high, like I could just fly down the sidewalk. By the way- still a nonsmoker! As of today, I've saved over 500 dollars and am now the proud owner of an ipod instead of a nasty smoker's cough.

Well, I believe we're all caught up now and ready to rock. I was reading over this blog just now and thinking about what I'd written just a few months ago. Things are changing at breakneck speed- amazing!

By the way, the last photos- my grandmother took those after a huge snow/ice storm that hit central Illinois. My grandparents where out of power for a week, but, as my grandpa said, "it sure was pretty."


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