Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sometimes you eat the bar, and well, sometimes....

The Stranger and the Dude. The two greatest fonts of cinematic wisdom in our times.
I hope beginning my first blog with a nod to these fellas will impart some kind of luck or good karma to my enterprise of blogging and trying to figure out my life, which seems very often to get away from me. You know, all the dude wanted was to get his rug back. This understanding of something tangible that seems so minor meaning so much- being what ties the room together. I love it. This blog, in some senses, is a quest to gain wisdom akin to the Dude's.

You can call me Beatrix. It's not my real name, of course, but it's one I chose just for this blog. I read somewhere that the name is a combination, in Latin, of the word for blessed and traveler (the latter being viatrix). And I like the idea of blessed traveler. I like it a lot.

Now, dear reader, (oooh! I always wanted to write that somewhere- so English literature, so kind of nineteenth century) you can read all the boring background stuff about me in another section of my blog. Whatever one of those sections says "all about me" or something like that. But just let me say here that I've got a few ground rules for this blog.

1. This blog is totally anonymous. I'm not telling anyone I know that I have this blog and there will be minimal to no identifying information that shows up here. In the quest to learn more about life in an experiential way, I have to be able to ruminate without consideration for what the people I meet may think. We all have lessons to teach one another, and I won't have people judging me for what I learn.

2. I solemnly swear to be totally honest in here. The only exception to this will be when I'm trying to fool myself. Hopefully this will occur less and less as I get more comfortable with life as an experience that is mostly made up of unknowns. Cause you know, new shit will consistently be coming to light. Lotta ins, lotta outs.

3. This blog will not be entirely about the Big Lebowski, so don't expect that. But it is in my top five favorites of all time and I experience it as something probably way more than it's meant to be. Know that going in.

4. I also swear not to neglect posting for long periods of time. This will be hard for me. I've tried to be a good diarist and haven't had much luck on consistency. I dislike talking when I don't have anything to say. So in the absence of any real words, I'll post something- pictures or quotes. Just something. Maybe even some strongly vaginal art (and if you get that reference, congrats- I've never been able to slip that into a conversation without getting blank looks).

Okay, so now you know, hopefully, a little bit more about what this blog is all about and what I'm about.

As a final note, to preclude any possible queries, I do enjoy bowling. I am 24 but I still like to just drive around, and I did steal a rug once. I also had a rug stolen from me. But there was never any urination involved.


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